Onga cooking contest: prepared ofada rice and beef sauce

   Ofada rice and beef sauce recipe plus preparation method.
- 4 cooking spoon of palm oil.
- Green scotch bonnet pepper.
- Red bell pepper.
- locust beans (iru).
- beef.
- assorted meat : shaki, pomo, tripe.
- Grounded crayfish.
- Egg.
- Onion 
- Onga (seasoning cubes).
- Salt.
-  2 cups of ofada rice.
Preparation method:
- wash assorted meat and beef properly, dice into small bits. Place in pot, add onga seasoning cubes and salt to taste plus 2-3 cups of water. Leave to cook till it is tender/ soft for 30 minutes. Set aside...
- Wash all the red bell pepper and green scotch bonnet pepper (ata rodo) with onion. Place in blender till it is smooth.
- Parboil pepper till the liquid evaporates. Set aside.
- Wash the sorted ofada rice severally with clean water. Place in pot and parboil for 10 minutes. Turn out the ofada rice into a clean bowl. Wash rice into clean pot and cook, some salt and clean water. Boil till rice softens.
- Boil egg and set aside.
- In a clean pot, heat palmoil for 5-10 minutes, add iru with sliced onions then pour pepper and stir fry for 5 minutes.
- Add assorted meat and beef then crayfish. Taste to see, if you need some salt and onga seasoning. Stir and leave to simmer for 10 minutes. Add boiled egg.
- Turn off burner and serve with ofada rice. 


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